Saturday, November 12, 2011

Mom has had it and I am tired of being tired.....Why can't I wake up on my own & stay awake??

3 mnths ago I moved back to my Moms with the intention of staying long enough to mentally and financially stabilize myself with their help. We agreed undr the following conditions that I see a psychiatrist, get meds, get a jb, keep the jb, slowly pay back some of the debt to them, allow my Mom to handle my money, pay my bills, save up remaining money. As well as be respectful of their home, all things in it, & Do NOT Smoke in the house or leave s in the crtyard. To date I have done all of the above excpt keep my jb. I lost my 1st jb and did not wk for 3 1/2 weeks. I am now wking 50 hrs a wk doing what I know...wking @ a dealership...and I enjoy being there! My prob, since I can rembr is waking up on my own and getting to wk on time. I've tried evry sugg. givn 4 waking up, NOTHING wrks. Now my Mom is yelling and waiting til Im in the showr b4 she leavs the room. Does any1 have ANY sugg. that will help me to awake and stay awake or hear an alarm? Im open 2 any sugg/advice...Thnk U:)

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