Thursday, November 10, 2011

Why is there no History Section on Yahoo Answers?

United States history is taught in our learning institutions. Although most of the textbooks are written and published in Texas, the distribution of these materials to our learning institutions are not what you'd think they'd be. Each schools administration has the right to select which texts and which authors are to be used in our schools. I don't have a problem with free choice. What I find odd is that the texts do not seem to be covering the basics as thoroughly as they should. For example, no one at Yahoo answers seems to care that history, as taught in our schools, is not up for discussion. The Founding Fathers are given almost beyond reproach status. Yet they believed in slavery as a god given right, that women didn't have a place in government decisions, and that the general populace wasn't as wise as they themselves were. After Lincoln emmanicipated the slaves it still took another 100 years before the Federal Government, through the Supreme Court to recognize them as equal citizens. A woman's right to vote in elections took over 100 years to be enacted into law. Our public education system is still "under construction" yet the ultra rich would send their children to Europe to be educated nice and properly with the latest information. So if anyone at Yahoo Answers cares about what is taught in our schools, why do our founding fathers have such great reputations when they have a background of believing in slavery, believing women didn't belong in government, and that education was only for the richest in society? Sure, America has made progress, but what or who keeps holding America's progress forward. If you believe that Republicans will eventually rename America to the United Republics of America and that each state will be renamed a republic, please do not give your usual banter when responding to these questions.

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