Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It seems like white guys are afraid to talk to me.. y?

Im an attractive african american female..and sometimes I see some really attractive white guys who I would be interested in getting to know.. but it seems like they try to avoid lookin my way, so they keep there focus straight ahead.. and its strange bcuz usually I get alot of attention from black and hispanic guys.. one day I was sittin on a bench next to this cute white guy.. and i decided to try to start up a conversation with him..he was one of the ones who tried to avoid lookin in my direction..after I broke the ice, he just started talking and smiling and askin questions.. i can tell he was still kinda nervous though.. but I dnt see y, I was being nice and friendly... I mean seriously whats the big deal with race these days.. just becuz im black doesn't mean Im gonna try to bite ur head off if you try to talk to me.. is there a way that I can show im interested in talking to them.. or do I always have to be the one to break the ice?

I DIDNT KISS ''her boyfrend ''?

What! i just think that nobody kissed each other maybe she just made that story up to make herself look cool around yall and the boy was saying the truth cuz any 17 year old boy will be crazy to kiss a 9 year old i mean c'mon

What does "And my fear died, and my lips answers. Smile for His Smile", Mean?

i am doing a comprehension about "The New Boy" by john walsh and i need a answer to this immediatly

Do you think the Indian sari is slutty, or not?

Not at all, if you've seen real cultured Indian women wear Sarees it looks stunning, my Mum wears a sari and I thin it looks lovely on her. I've worn it a couple of times but find it too bersome I prefer salwar kameezes

The Koran says you can not force someone to convert to Islam, yet if a Muslim converts to another religion,?

he or she is killed, usually by a family member. MUSLIMS----how do you explain this? And how do you explain honor killings---killing a female family member for an inproper ual affair, or even if she is d. If you all keep claiming your religion is not evil like we think, how do you explain all this. And please--- no "Allah knows best" or death threats towards me. That only reinforces the view that I am trying to change.

I have a problem with my computer CD/DVD drives?

Somehow I have lost my CD/DVD drives on the computer. I followed help instruction to reinstate through the Device Manager but ended up with an error 37 message. Bearing in mind I cannot download anything, ideas would be deeply appreciated

What's the name of the movie were the guy kills his parents?

What's the name of this American movie, in the be gaining a teenager, is called down to the basement buy his father because he misbehaved, the father is working on a 1980s style computer in the dark basement, he beats his son for the misbehaviour ( this is a regular beating) and the wife does nothing, the son comes back from the basement after the beating, he goes out in the pouring rain and says to somebody "I'm gonna kill them" he grabs an Axe and goes back in to the house and kills his mom the goes down to the basement and kills his father, later he is outside standing the rain with an Axe in his hand and throws it away, does anyone know the name of the FILM , it's made in the late 80s or very early 90s. Pleas help ? What's this movie called ?

Should someone tell Evangelicals that we don't all believe the same as them & to keep Religion out of Politics?

Should someone tell atheists we all don't believe the same as them, and to keep their beliefs out of politics?

How do you know when your best friend with benefits has a crush on you?

Granted i dnt know ur friend. but he may feel like if u like sumone then the benefits thing wont continue... trust me, if hes fooling around with u and he can still be considered single, hes on top of the world. i think u should think about what ur doing. is he using u? do u really want to waste ur time on this?

How did Punk leave Philadelphia title less?

I think Punk will get a rematch soon so don't worry and about Jeff Hardy I know he is overrated and how does he even qualify for being the #1 contender for the world heavyweight title?What is his weight?This is so unrealistic that Jeff Hardy is now the WHC. and guys like Kane,Khali and Mark Henry are mid-carders.

My omelete sticks to the pan?..?

It comes out good but it sticks to the pan badly..i hate using the scotch brite so much for one omelete..i spread the oil properly and try to use low heat..its not non stick..i still dont want it to stick..how cna i keep it from sticking?..is there a magic scotch brite or some other tool that will easily wipe away all this persistent remainings that stick to the pan so i dont have to make any effort?..

Is the allergen in poison ivy sap a water- soluble or lipid- soluble molecule?

Lipid-soluble. You can remove it with soapy water, because the soap puts the oil into suspension. Best is to wash with rubbing alcohol and follow up with soapy water. You have about three hours after exposure to clean it from your skin before the oil molecules bind to your cells.

How can i win my ex back? ?

i have this guy that all through 6th grade liked me and i rejected him. so in 7th we went out for 2 months. then he broke up with me and now that i have gotton to kow him i REALLLLLLLY like him. no one knows i do. just that i miss him. lol so i talk to him alot and we hang out and i flirt but he likes my friend who DOESNT like him at all. how can i win him back!?

Who knows Bots hacks?

I have downloaded programs but GameGuard Detected hack program and i deleted the program and now i am afraid to download another cuz if gameguard spots another activity maybe i will not be able to enter bots anymore so plz help me!

WAS THAT YOU???????????????

it's the bottom of the 9th inning, and the rugrats are behind 5 to 4 to the little rascals! there is a man on first, with 2 outs. AND HERE HE COMES TO THE PLATE, THE O FOR 4 guy! heres the pitch- A SWING AND A MISS- STRIKE 1. A FASTBALL DOWN THE MIDDLE- STRIKE 2. heres the pitch, ITS A DEEP FLY BALL TO RIGHT FIELD, GOING- GOING- ITS OUT OF HERE, ITS A HOME RUN! THE RUGRATS WIN, 6 to 5! WHAT A WAY TO PULL THE GAME OUT! THE FANS ARE GOING WILD! HOW DOES IT FEEL TO WIN THE GAME FOR YOUR TEAM ?

My theory on Harry potter's "umed" death.?

Didn't they say in the prophecy that one cannot live while the other survives. And then it says one will live and the other will die. So if Rowling made Harry die, Voldemort would win and if Voldemort wins, Harry won't die. It says in the prophecy that one will kill the other one so Harry won't die. What do you think?

Is 2 weeks after long enough to take a pregnancy test?

had on June 20th took a test On July 6th and the results were negative. Im on Depo provera and my partner has had a vasectomy for 4 years. We used a condom MID WAY through right before he d but pre may have been present I try and be soo careful and I get freaked! I dont want this to ruin my love life! :(

What should i do about my daughter?

i am a 39 year old married women. i have 4 kids my son is 1.5 yearsnmy daughters are 2 monts, 3 years and 17 years. my eldest daughter has been dating this guy since she was 15. she wants to sleep with him.she is a very responsible girl for her age as she will helo me with the chores,cooking and the kids without being asked.her boyfriend is a mature young thing.he is also 17.i dont want her not to sleep over but i also worry not about coz she isnt ready and she told me that herself . anyway back to the point. lately she has been getting really bad cramps while she is on her period. her boyfriend knows about this and has suprisingly to me has been very supportive and understanding.she is on her period just now and only started 2 days ago.what if she gets a cramp over there and cant come home? i dont want answers that say dont let her go she is gong to have . dont bother even replying coz i wont read it. please help me i am really stuck

Can cd's be annointed/carry the annointing?

The content of the CD may be considered to be anointed if it is in keeping with Biblical doctrine. If your sister thought it was "spooky" I would be suspicious as to whether the content was of God, as His Spirit is not the spirit of fear. Read your Bible and pray for divine discernment. Read 1 John 4:1.

Would you like to see a Kimbo Slice VS. Chuck Liddell?

I would like to see this, but are they in the same weight cl? I'm not too sure about that, there was a video of Kimbo calling Chuck out, but I don't know if they could fight or not, what about Kimbo VS. Ortiz? Even Dana White said that Kimbo wouldn't stand up to trained UFC Fighters, I think the same, but don't you guys think that he should at least be given a chance to prove himself and see if he can prove some people wrong?

History Project--Creative or Lame?

I have this HUGE history project that's like worth 2 test grades and 50% final exam grade. It has to be something about the Civil War that matches your interests and talents. So I picked music of the Civil War, since I'm really into music and instruments. We have to make this presentation really creative and it has to be 10 minutes long, so I want to make a video where my voice is the narration and I show pictures of bands in the Civil War, and pictures of famous musicians, and common instruments. But also, I wanted to show me playing popular Civil War songs like Dixie and the Battle Hymn of the Republic on the flute, piano, and fife (since I can play those instruments and they were common in the Civil War). I also want to get my friends to play snare drum and trumpet for my video. Does that sound cool or lame? Any tips to make my video better? I haven't started yet, so anything would be helpful!!!

How can i help a male friend get a date?

he is 25 and never had a girlfriend ever! not even a kiss or anything, he normally isnt shy, he just wont approach girls. He isnt gay, and he admires girls but that is as far as it goes. Is there anything i can do to help him? i tryed to bring girls around them but he never talks to them or anything and it ends up being akward, he doest drink or go to bars or anywhere realy. any advice

My "friend" is kind of clingy?

Every time she comes near you spray her with a bottle of water while firmly saying "No, get back!"

Is It Easy To Place A Tracker In A Car?

A piece of cake. Many haulage companies have them on their lorries to track movements as do secure delivery companies.

Is it too late for piano?

Nope! I felt that way with guitar. It gets kind of frustrating because you need to start at the beginning, and the older you are, the more advanced you feel you should be, but you always gotta start with the level 1 books and songs. I'm sure if you practiced regularly you could pick it up easily, you'll definitely learn to sight read faster over time. Good luck!

Need help with men!!?

Ok so I have a hard time playing hard to get.... When I meet y azz dudes we hit it off for sure but u know for every y guy they're 20 gorgeous girls Who also want them... well I'm tired of being just another girl. So how do make them want u more then u want them? I'm tired of being the chaser in most cases... I wanna be chased!:) please help! Gracias

Monday, November 14, 2011

Help with a gag bit?!?

it is cruel and inhumane. sorry.. theres plenty wrong with a gag. your horse needs it sometimes?? perhaps a different trainer would be best.

Which sounds most like a piano, the Yamaha P70 or the Casio PX-200?

I vote for the Casio Privia because of the 128 note polyphony, and the great sound. It will give you an expanded range for your music.

Could tax tax refund really go up another $1,500 since last year?

About half of the extra refund can be accounted for by a credit of $800 that you and your spouse are eligible for jointly under the "Make Work Pay" credit which applies to many 2009 tax return. Has there been an increase in your itemized deductions over last year? That could also add to the change in your favor. If so your initial workup estimate may be a good figure. I would just be sure to pay attention to all the info asked for if e-filing and be sure it applies to you. The same would hold true if doing your own filing. Paying someone to check your filing in my opinion should be done as a last resort.

Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers help?

they may think that as well as they may not! Why not ask your mother or someone close to you for pointers?

My girlfriend took plan B but can she still be pregnant?

ok... ummm.... about a week ago my gf and i had unprotected . then i found out that she swicthed doctors and never got a new prescription for birth control and has been off it for like a month. she missed her period too by about 4 days (hopefully because of being taken off BC) but she could have gotten pregnant before that even tho im sure i pulled out way before i had to. but anyway.... we had unprotected and i accidently pulled out a second to late. we got scared so she took plan B correctly before 24 hours after the incident. it has now been about 6 days and she is having severly bad cramps.... almost to the point of tears. she still hasnt gotten her period tho and she is going to take a pregnancy test soon. is it possible that she is pregnant? or if not when will she get her period? just asking incase anyone else had this problem or if a doctor on here might know what to do.... thank you in advance... your help is greatly appreciated

Why does he still treat me like this?

It sounds as though he outgrew the relationship/lost interest in it or you/developed feelings for someone else. Why he treats you harshly, only he can answer that. Like the person above said, there's no point trying to understand it. He's obviously not interested anymore and wants to move on - he will continue to act this way until you leave him alone. Sometimes people use the ''I still want to keep you as a friend'' line to ease the pain of breaking up.

Im pregnant..Why is my male dog so aggressive towards me all of a sudden?

My husband had a dog before I moved in with him. He's a bull mastiff / german shepard mix so hes a big dog. When I first moved in he was a very loving and protective dog and never did any of these recent behaviors. I also brought with me my female dog who is a puggle and they get along great, hes very good at sharing with her. I am now 8 months pregnant and for the past month he has gotten very aggressive towards me. He wont jump on the bed with me anymore, he growls and snarls when I go to pet him. If he's on the bed with my husband and I go to get in bed he becomes very upset. It started with just me but he has been getting this way with my husband also. Im not sure what has changed other than my dog has become more cuddly with me and the fact that Im pregnant. So does anyone have a clue whats going on!?

OH MY GOD cant believe it?

On the hills can you actually believe heidie is going to give that jerk of a boyfriend of hers another chance.Seriously is she retarted?I'm begining not to like the show.There are too many sucky people (as lauren said)like spencer and jen.Brody and heidi are not great people either.Why would she give him another chance?She might as well say goodbye to her friendship with lauren.What the heck was up with spencers hateful birthday toast to lauren.WHAT THE CRAP?Spencer is so mean.He is sucking the sense and the life out of poor heidi.They were like yhat depressing couple at parties that dont even smile,at the club on new years.Sooo sad,she deserves better.Jordan was better than him.Heck,jason was even better than him.I willseriously be sick if she moves in with him.What do you think?

89% of Fox News news poll voters say "Obama waited too long to act" in Libya?

Initially the Libyan protester/rebels said they wanted no international intervention and it is only in the last day or two they changed their minds and asked for help,Obama had to balance out the need to commit troops with other military requirements and the U.N only called for a no fly zone yesterday the 17/March this indicates the voters did not look at the big picture before casting their vote.

Can a dog die from this?

My chihuahua loves to sleep under the covers in my bed with me. I sleep under ALOT of covers, even a Goose Down Comforter. He sleeps down by my feet. Can he die? Or suffocate from too much Carbon Monoxide?

I'm in a 10 player FFootball league. Please Rate my team. QB TD=4 Rushing&Receiving=6?

No backup QB is the only thing I see wrong - if the starting lineup stays healthy it should be very good. Even if Portis gets hurt Betts will be decent too.

How does "cultural nobility" impede creativity, communication, and community? Do you have any examples?

This question is based off of "Free Culture" by Lawrence Lessig and I have to write an essay in response to that question but I am having trouble brainstorming what to write. What do you think would be best to write? What do you think I could write for supporting body paragraph information? Thank you for your help in advance!

Gilmore Girls Complete Collection?

Well I love Gilmore Girls and I want to find out when the complete Gilmore Girls Collection is coming out in the UK. The only seasons out in shops I have seen are 1, 2 and 3. I can't buy it online either!

Do any of the " Male Enhancement" products work ?

None are approved by the FDA, But has any one know if it any work ? And why hasn't anyone sued for false advertising ?

Any suggestions for my NBA 2K11 ociation team?

Good but your team is old as hell! trade some of your older guys i.e: Ray Ray, Shane Battier, KG, Jet, Quentin RIchardsen and Z. Good luck.

How much do you have to weigh to be eligble for gastric byp?

a friend of mine is seeking this surgery and she is 5'1 and almost 260....she wants to get this done but I a worried for her....

Should men even care anymore?

Well, when you finally come to understand who's really behind all this anti-white, anti-male, anti-heteroual propaganda, you'll have been forced to appreciate the true nature of the problem.

Buckingham vs Tudor?

I have been watch the Showtime tele-drama series The Tudors (I realize for the sake of drama/ratings it's not VERY accurate) and I wonder why in the first couple of episodes Lord Buckingham calls Henry the pretender to the throne and that he (Lord Buckingham) is the true and right heir to the English throne. Anyone care to explain? Thanks

I'm a sonographer Italian, I would like to work in England as a cardiac sonographer?

Vorrei lavorare come cardiac sonographer nel Regno unito, ma non so proprio come fare. Qualcuno potrebbe dire dove inviare il mio CV e chi contattare?

Flavio Briatore Questions?

Flavio will be allowed back in F1 (whether it be 5 or 10 years) never believe these FIA clowns. Money speaks louder than words

Why are there American military bases in small Western countries?

Why are there American military bases in allied (and NATO) countries like Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium etc.? After the Cold War, is there any logical reason for these bases to exist in countries friendly to the United States? I can understand South Korea (because of North Korea), but what about tiny Iceland or the other Nordic countries?

Why people say P.Manning is better than Brady?

yea he put up extremly good numbers and is a winner..but look at Bradys touchdown and int ratio and the guy is clutch also had the best season a QB can have (stat wise in 07) 3 super bowls 2 time superbowl mvp and plays in cold *** New England through blizzards rain cold temps and not in a cozy dorm most the time like manning.

Will the demise of loose credit force a change of the American way of life?

We've had credit since the beginning of the US. How else did people get over here--many came as indentured servants and farmers were often issued supplies such as seeds through credit.

What is love without feelings?

I was never tought to care for any one, to act without remorce in anything that I do. For twenty-five years I felt nothing. Life and death, pain or joy. All the same to me, I did not care, and after five years of trying to change to have a family I cannot tell if I know how to. After so long, how do learn to change? What does it mean to "love" ? "Love is a word that means an emotion, yet love is an emotion that means more than words can ever say." How do you share what you do not know, or know how?

Flushing toilet while drano max gel is in effect?

i just put drano max gel down my sewer pipe in my basement due to slow drainage. can i still flush the toilet or run the water while i'm waiting for the drano to work?

Please help this is important?

ok listen: i hav 2 bffs (lets call them sammy and liz) ther like my best friends in the world and i cant live w/o them. 2day on FB i was on chat w/ both of them and Liz said "OMG yesterday *matt* ran across school naked!" i was like no he didnt thats retarded just shut up and she kept sayin ooo yes he did and i wouldnt believe it. then she said *rebecca* (a really popular girl) is now dating *johnny* (a really anti-socail boy) and i was like why the heck would she like him she likes someone else!!! and she kept trying to convince me that they are dating and that *matt* ran across school naked. i new they were lying to me then liz says ok me and sammy are going to make up more realistic ones. then i was like to sammy i hate you and liz your so annoyin stop tryin to make up stupid lyes just to make me go nutz cuz gess wht its workin! (i used 2 be really gulible) do u think i over reacted? do u think they were just doing it to bother me or to make me laugh? cna someone please help cuz i luv these guys ther my bffs i just dnt want them 2 lye to me!


Plastic surgerey shows just how insecure you really are...Its disgusting and why would you want to be known as fake.. its just a sign of low selfesteem, and surgery is no way to better yourself. It is a waste of money, and eventually wears off .

What was the Worst game you ever saw a team play?

Will have to agre with you on the Bills- Oilers game. Another one was that horrible Playoff game when the Giants didn't even try on LT's last ever game 49-3

Can Someone explain this to me?

Ron is dead on with the measurement descriptions. how ever i would add that you also should look for a part number stamped onto the existing pulley. having this number may make it easier to order part instead of searching thru catalogs to match it up. there has to be somewhere a catalogue with all the parts listed to replace for your tractor.

My petite 21y/o daughter walked into a mall shop and was told they were not hiring...?

1/2 hour later, I walked into the same shop and asked for an application which they gave me promptly and was told they were hiring for two positions. Any suggestions???

Sunday, November 13, 2011

What are some good writing techniques when creating a good pop/digital song? Need help with structuring?

Include the word 'Baby' or 'Shawty' somewhere and have girls in the video wearing very little clothes. Every successful song has it.

Isn't it the law that your workplace be smoke-free except designated areas?

i live in Europe, Romania, and here you are not allowed to smoke anywhere, not even in bars, they must have a separate area . I know for fact that in factories it is forbidden to smoke, so the workers only smoke outside on their lunch break . Maybe it is an internal policy where you work, that allows smoking. Do the highest in rank at the plant you work at know about this? not the manager, and supervisor,but the very highest, because the manager and supervisor are not the big bosses and they too may be breaking the rules . I know that it is your right not to have to put up with their smoking . Unfortunatly i do not live in your country so i cannot say what higher power you should adress .

Can someone help me with my web cam please?

I have an asus laptop with lifeframe as the cam driver, for some reason the picture that comes through is upside down, the cam itself cannot be moved, and I have not pushed any ons but for some reason the image is the wrong way. I have uninstalled the driver and reinstalled it but the silly thing still misbehaves. Can some one help me make my cam go the right way?

Is a bowl of fruit with some milk fattening?

With soya milk no, if you don't like that then skimmed. If you don't want soya or skimmed, then yes using semi-skimmed or full-fat will be fattening. Soya or skimmed is what you will need to use if you are worried about fat.

Can the foster care system take away my unborn baby if I runaway and get caught ?

OK so Im 17 and 4 months pregnant and very unhappy without my fiance ( the father of my unborn child)... And sadly emancipation is not an option for me.. And I really don't think the courts will approve of me getting married .. So here is the thing I lived with my fiance at my grandmothers house and since she didn't like me having a baby and not giving it up she kicked me and him out me to another foster home and I live in elk grove ca and he lives in sac 2 hours away.. I need really need to know if I runaway can they take my baby away when he or she is born if i get caught?

Girls, how can you find singers who demoralize your bodies in heir lyrics attractive?

if the girl's the kind who actually listens to the lyrics of a song instead of just knowing the tune as "that one song i grinded with that one guy to," she DOESN'T find those singers attractive.

2003 renault laguna 1.9 dci heater blower not working?

The fan does not blow any cold air or hot air on any setting.it worked dismornan,its not the battery coz i have a new one.i dont no if its a fuse or not.i dont no where to find it on the fuse box.if sombody has a diagram of it??? Or any idea what may cause this please help im about to go for a week down south and im useing my car!!!!!!

Do you believe the latest terrorist plot was not quite as genuine as the authorities and media claim?

Of course they are blown completely out of proportion. The guys planning it appear to be idiots who would have never been successful, but the British government was watching them because they had ties to real terrorists. Unfortunately, Bush wanted to make some news to cover up for all the bad stuff he is doing and for the fact that everyone in the U.S. except for a handful of morons hates him. So, he blew the cover so the British arrested these guys before it was too late.

Sharp pains in chest?

lately I've been getting sharp pains in my chest i try to brush them off and not pay attention but i still get them.sometimes I'll get a dull sharp pains in my neck or back of my arm.but the ones in my neck or the back of my arm dont come as much as the ones in my chest but um how can i pinpoint whats causing my sharp pains do i get a cat scan ,or what please help im kinda scared.

(Reno while with the FBI) Shielded President Bill Clinton from his U. S. Treasury theft and criminal activity

dude the fix was in when slick ran the show!now you want the other nasty half return?????????????? do not think so....

Whats a "beefcurtain"???

“For all you Haters- Please feel free to Hate on me here on my blog/board were I actually read comments! I think it’s great place for people who can’t stand me to vent and get whatever they have to say off their chest! If it makes you feel better. But if you hate me because you think I ruined Lauren and Heidi friendship…you have your facts all wrong! Lauren ruined Heidi and Laurens friendship when she told Heidi that she could not be friends with her as long as she dated me…the fact is Lauren is in LOVE with Heidi…she used to scream at Heidi if she left her alone one night…she used to ask to get in bed with Heidi and I to cuddle in the mornings…believe what you want…when those cameras turn off LC(BEEF CURTAINS) is a completely different person…she goes back to being the spoiled brat that made her famous on Laguna Beach…excuse me…the famous Boyfriend stealer. The funny thing to me is that she says we use her for attention…when she is the one in USWeekly this week talking about Heidi and

What is some good clical music?

I've never listened to clical music before but I would like to give it a try. I know the big name Beethoven, Mozart and so on but what should I start with, what would you consider to be a good introduction to clical music.

Should I accept this Fantasy Baseball Trade?

I'd take it. You have a pretty strong rotation. Try to pick up a solid spot starter, maybe a Pineda or Minor.

When does the third twilight movie come out ples help want to know really bad?

I kow the new moon came out on friday november the 20 but when will the next come out want to know really bad ?

Talking to mom about moving out...?

I think you should let your mom know what your planning to do but waite until it's close to that time . don't tell her now. i see that you don't like your mom ways but she is only doing what a good mother is suppose to do . cut her some slack.oh and make sure when you do move out that you have enough money saved to never come back even if you break up with your bf some day because then your mom will tell you i told you so

Why cant my computer detect my second monitor?

Ok so i have been trying to us my tv as a second monitor for my computer. I watch a lot of tv episodes online from abc and fox and i want to make it to where my tv will show what my computer monitor shows. I have an HP desktop computer and a panasonic plasma tv. i have the DVI slot in back of my computer monitor that is empty and an empty HDMI slot on my tv. so i hooked the dvi end of my cable to my computer and the HDMI end to my tv. But my computer wont detect the tv i keep reading how to's online and everything says to push the FN+F5 on but that is only for mobile PC and idon'tt have a mobile PC so what do i do. I can't activate the detection mode manually because i don't have a mobile pc but even my computer help onn tells me to do this but it wont work. and yes i did chang the input on my tv so its not just set on tv instead of the dvmi setting. any help would be great thanks.

A non-resident indian returns after 25years for settlement, when his tax liability begins or any tax holiday?

is it true that a returned Non-Resident Indian will be on 'not ordinary resident' status for 7 years after his return and he would be exempted from paying any tax or filing any tax returns during these years and would be essed for tax only after these 7 years? or else when his tax liability begins & what are the liabilities and tax slab if he is over sixty years of age.

Does anyone have a Westpac eSaver account?

If you do, do you find it useful? Is it worth the hle opening up one? or do they just munch up all your interest acuated at tax time?

I need help with knowing which laptop I should choose. Any suggestions???

You would be wrong not to consider a mac, but since you made up your mind, there are a few problems with your choice. If you are going for compatibility, you should downgrade to a different hp with a regular, more widely used 32bit OS, so that all your hardware is compatible with your computer. I would suggest the HP dv6700t. It's cheaper, but it works fine. In addition, you can have Microsoft office and all that other commonly used software pre-installed at HP.com. Here is a link to the dv6700t (in the source)

Alternative ways to enduce relaxation for anxiety and excessive worry/depression?

I am suffering from post partum depression and anxiety along with excessive worry. I am constantly uptight and can't relax no matter what I do. Percocet really makes me relax and feel like I have hope. I was given it for my c-section. I was wondering if there are any natural things I could take that could have a similar effect. Not anything bogus or fake, but something that actually helps with depression and anxiety. Something to make me relax. Any help is greatly appreciated I want to enjoy my little boy!

Cross country running?

Yes, you definitely have them everyday except for sunday because that's the only day i get off on my team. it depends on your coach though, for how much you practice. my coach is intense! running is a really low maintenance sport so you probably just need a little bag with about 2 water bottles in it because you will get really thirsty and maybe a little snack like a banana to eat before or after your run. sometimes my coach provides snacks because we burn so many calories on our runs, but you should bring one in case. my practices are 2 hours and the varsity runs twice a day during the summer. most days you will run about 4 or 5 miles on average. on long run days, which are saturday for my team, we run about 6 or 7. it's a hard, love-hate sport, but i'm sure you'll do fine! just don't be tempted to quit when the going gets hard. you have to stick it out! i wanted to quit so many times, but now i love it!

Derrick Ward, Reuben Droughns, Vernand Morency, Deshawn Wynn, Ron Dayne???????

I have a problem at RB. My RB's are Reggie Bush (BYE), Clinton Portis (BYE), LenDale White (BYE), Derrick Ward (Questionable), and Warrick Dunn. Reuben Droughns, Vernand Morency, Deshawn Wynn, and Ron Dayne are in Free Agency. There is a maximum of 5 RB's per team. Should I drop one of my RB's (Derrick Ward) and get Droughns, etc.? HELP!!! By the way, Brian Leonard and Kevin Jones are NOT in Free Agency.

I got a 38 on my Practice Asvab?

Hey a 38 is nothing to be horibily ashamed of i saw guys getting less then 30 on multiple attemps. If you want to get a better score there are many study guides out there for the asvab one of the more popular ones is ASVAB for dummies it looked to be a very helpfull for people that have used it

When doing the Y2 - Y1 over X2 - X1 for finding gradients does it matter which way you put them?

For example: (-2, 0) and (-4,2) to work out the graident how do you figure out which x is x1 and which is x2?

How do you get your sims abducted by aliens in The Sims 2 for PC?

I've tried really hard to get it abduted. I had it happen 2 times one in Strangetown and 1 in Veronaville but i want aliens to be in my neighborhood that i created!

How to find Antilog in calculator Casio 991MS?

On most calculators the key for antilog is marked [10^x] for base 10 and [e^x] for base e. These are usually the shift functions ociated with the [log] and [ln] keys.

Think Jamie McMurry is going to get Booed now, like Kyle Busch, or do you have to be good for ppl 2 hate?

Oh I am sure he will be, he hit jr. that's a big no no. I guess Jamie didn't get that memo in the drivers meeting

Can my landlord tell me I have to replace the whole carpet for one spot?

We have moved out of our flat, and there is nothing wrong with the place except for one spot on the carpet. A cooling down iron accidentally fell forward face down and imprinted a 5'x5' section that is fairly close to the wall. Its not discolored, its just an imprint. He is now trying to pull that we have to pay for carpeting in the whole two bedroom flat in order to keep it consistent. He says that the carpet is discontinued. I think it is about 2 or 3 year old carpet in there but I'm not sure. He estimates it will cost about 1400 dollars. This does not sound right that we would pay 1400 dollars for one minor spot in comparison to the whole place. Maybe we would pay for a fraction worth of the life expectancy for the carpet, but not the whole thing. Anyone have sources or opinions on this? I'm in California by the way.

IPhone battery??

hi, I am using my new iPhone non stop and I'm just wondering if leaving it in its dock to charge all night every night is bad for the battery?? And also I connect abd disconnect it from the computer a but before it is fully charged.. Is this bad for my battery?? Also I should mention it had a food first charge and I allowed it to fully run out.. So if like I said put it on the dock each night would it be harming the battery or is the damage already done??

Will it be a Twenty-20 World Cup or 20-20 Circus?

It seems that you do not like changes. You have to come to the reality, twenty 20 is the future of the cricket. This format of the game is going to draw a lot more people into the game and it will strengthen the game. If you are true cricket lover, dont you want to see more people getting involved in it, I mean nations ?

How has your style changed over the years?

when i was in gr. 6 to about gr. 8 i was sorta tomboyish. sneakers, hoodies, etc. anything really casual. in gr. 9, i was very girly prep. i wore blazers, skirts, etc. gr. 10 and 11 (im in gr. 11 now), i don't really know how to define my style. sometimes i go very comfy with jeans, uggs and a plain white tee. or sometimes i go boho with wooden jewelry, vintage dress, boots. i think right now, there's a number of looks that appeal to me and feel comfortable to me, so i just dress according to my mood each day.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Past Feelings Being Expressed Here. Care to Read?

a plan indeed...I wrote some 20 pages one day after Katrina on the notion that God never gives more than we can take...certain of nothing then, I now see that I my purpose is in being here....maybe more, maybe not, but I am here for a reason...as we all are

Does a giraffe ever lie or sit down?

Yes, similar to the way a horse does. They bend their legs at the knees, and lower themselves to the ground.

Mom has had it and I am tired of being tired.....Why can't I wake up on my own & stay awake??

3 mnths ago I moved back to my Moms with the intention of staying long enough to mentally and financially stabilize myself with their help. We agreed undr the following conditions that I see a psychiatrist, get meds, get a jb, keep the jb, slowly pay back some of the debt to them, allow my Mom to handle my money, pay my bills, save up remaining money. As well as be respectful of their home, all things in it, & Do NOT Smoke in the house or leave s in the crtyard. To date I have done all of the above excpt keep my jb. I lost my 1st jb and did not wk for 3 1/2 weeks. I am now wking 50 hrs a wk doing what I know...wking @ a dealership...and I enjoy being there! My prob, since I can rembr is waking up on my own and getting to wk on time. I've tried evry sugg. givn 4 waking up, NOTHING wrks. Now my Mom is yelling and waiting til Im in the showr b4 she leavs the room. Does any1 have ANY sugg. that will help me to awake and stay awake or hear an alarm? Im open 2 any sugg/advice...Thnk U:)

Trying to find Sterling,Inc.They make Candle Chime Decorations Kansas City,MO.64108?

Candle Chime Decoration..4 Candles on a tinlike stand 2 BellChimes held on a base. 4 small angles w/ a striker.a windmill on top.when candles are lit the heat from the flame makes the windmill turn and strike the bells. Looks like an Angel Carousel..Use to be sold in Craft stores at Christmas for $2.00 only address is Made in China for Sterling,Inc.Kansas City,MO 64108

What's the best place to get married? We want a small, simple wedding... (no courthouses)?

We originally thought of Vegas, but it seems so cliche. Then we thought about Jamaica or a tropical place. We want something small.. maybe one other couple there as witnesses... and in a warm place. Any suggestions?

Why have my legs and feet become EXTREMELY sensitive to light touch and hot and cold temperatures?

Saw this on Dr. House. It's called Allodynia. I remember him asking to check calcium levels and a couple of other things I can't remember. If you haven't checked B12 and other causes of neuropathy, it may be worth it. Anticonvulsants like Lycria can help with the pain if you don't find a cause.

How should i re-decorate my room?

Save your money and be happy with what you have, if you change it you will be saying the same thing in a few months/years.

Need help: is it too early to ask her?

If she hasn't asked anyone ask her, maybe that's what she's waiting for. Just go for it, all she can do is say no.

If the casts of "Boston Legal" and "Grey's Anatomy" were on a "Survivor" series, who would win?

Keep in mind, these are the characters on the show, not the actual actors. Also, factoring in elements such as tribal merges/splits, immunity idols, and alliances are worthy yses that will most likely get my vote for best answer.

Where is better, krabi and phi phi islands or ko samui?

i'm travelling to Thailand this year for three weeks, the first week and a bit will be spent in bangkok and chiang mai, and the last two weeks will be spent south near phuket. we are thinking of spending one week in phuket and another week in either krabi and phi phi islands or ko samui. we would like to go to all three places but it would be far to busy , so which is better krabi or ko samui. we are wanting to go to beaches with beautiful scenery, clear water, white sandy beaches, palm trees, basically a beautiful beach paradise with great scenery. so where should we go and why . sorry if thats confusing , but all answers are appreciated . thanks

�This woman is not in wich is based Bellatrix lestrange character from Harry Potter?

Is a very famos mexican singer called Gloria Trevi, and this video is from 1989, and the name of the son is Dr Psiquiatry and she tell him that shes fine and don�t say stupidityes,m that she gonna pay the bikll and that let her in peace. Everyone think she was crazy and she was injailed cause she abduct a boy and abuse of him, or somethmng, I don�t know, really, and she back in 2005 with another fantastic song called "Todos me miran" That is so crazy... I know bellatrix is not based in her, but could, �not

Has anyone ever heard of high speed dispatch couriers??

I just got a $949.95 Dell laptop (17 inch) for $137.32 and if you think that's an awesome deal, my neighbor just got a 42 inch HDTV for $76.25 that's being delivered tomorrow to his house. It feels great not to pay high retail like the rest of the people. I am even selling some of the stuff at retail to my co-workers making 10 times my money back. Check out the site we found, go to GoWinBids.com

Great airfare from Chicago to Kauai?

Last year my wife and I went to Kauai for our honeymoon. We went to a href="http://www.orbitz.com" rel="nofollow"http://www.orbitz.com/a to buy our tickets. However we bought everything as a package which meant we bought airline tickets, hotel and car rental and only had to pay a flat rate. Buying a travel package is not a bad idea sometimes and is something you can look into. You can save some money by doing this.

A right pain in the bump!?

It is better to consult a good gynecologist instead of taking advise from Y!A community. Nobody can give you a perfect solution except a good doctor. Do not wait for advice here, rush to a doctor....

Do u know a Shakepeare soliloquy?

It must be 26-32 lines. It can't be the "To be or not to be" one from Hamlet. That's it. Any Shakespeare soliloquy you think will be good to recite in front of my english cl that is 26-32 lines. Thank you!!!

Do you need help with Pastel Pencils?

Hey if anyone needs help with anything concering pastel pencils just let me know...just got into them and I personally had some trouble with a few areas...now here to help!

What song was it in the movie p.s I love you; it was also in Gilmore Girls.?

In the movie p.s I love you, after Jerry dies, she's watching a movie and in the movie the song plays. Also, In Gilmore girls they are watching the movie with the same song. Lyrics are like "The lights have lost their glimmer, and all because of the man that ran away." Also, her voice was like old school. Any idea?

What is your opinion of Mitt Romney? Does he remind you of GW?

Zero personality and yes another Bush and will drive the country into the same mess Obama is trying to get us out of. Romney appeals to the religious fanatics and that truly scares me.


Isn't it time to FORCE the Iraqi government to accept the help that the Turkish and the Saudi's have offered ie: to send in thousands of Arab troop's to help quash the violence, the Iraqi's have consistently refused the offer form the Saudi's and Turk's, and yet they want our troop's to keep on being used for target practice, meanwhile they stand by and do nothing when our troop's are being attacked and mutilated, and these are the b@$t@rd$ that our troop's are training, and what about our three soldier's that they have abducted, even although there is a mive reward for information to find the soldier's none of them are helping, what the hell are we doing in a place that the people can stone a teenage girl to death with huge chunks of concrete slabs and huge boulder's and record it on cell phones, these people have stone age mentality and they are the most untrustworthy people on the planet. Is it time for the Arab troop's to be sent in?

HOW and WHERE can I get a Credit Card?

$10,000 a year,,dude you are so poor they wont give you anything,,better off looking for financial istance

What is wrong with my gsd?

my gsd aged 4 has had problems with pooping fro a while, he moans like a human when pooping, he takes a good few minutes to have a pap and cant stand in one spot when doing it, he walks around while squatted to get it out, ive had a blood test done and it came back ok. hes been treated for diarrhoea and is still the same, he moans when he lies down or when he moves when lying, his breath is not the best but his teeth and gums are fine, pees OK and his temperament is fine, his brother has no problems and they are fed the same, i have tried different foods, i got advised to give him science plan hd or ph at 50 quid a pop for a 7kg bag is quite high when its not a guarantee and he needs 4 weeks worth to see if it works. any help on this please.

How do players congratulate a winning team in certain sports? PLEASE!!!!!?

I know in certain sports, they do specific things to congratulate the winning team, for example a tennis players jumps over the net and shakes hands with the winning opponent. What do they do in other sports like boxing, basketball, football, baseball, badminton, etc.? PLEASE list as many as you know... I need it ASAP! I know it is in the wrong category, but I need it now!!!

As a citizen of Canada would I be allowed to express my beliefs at school?

As long as you do not force your religious believes on other people, there is no harm done in expressing what you believe. Heck, its even important that you know how to express your beliefs, some people are ashamed of doing so, so go for it.

Philosophy- plato's republic books two and four?

I have read the book many times. In order to understand it, you must read it yourself. We cannot tell you how you should understand something.

Is Oedipus in Oedipus Rex Aristotles tragic hero?

Yes he is the tragic hero because we are disgusted by his actions yet we can sympathize with him because we know that he really didn't know what he was doing. I read Oedipus Rex and we used Aristotles Poetics to compare the tradegy aspects of the play to what Aristotle says a tradegy is (did this for my english AP cl)

Im really depressed. Please help.?

aight so me and my *** mr.hale we be goin to da lifetime so we can get some and we was like tring to swim and these hoes was laughin at us cuz i cant swim. bruh i was so embarresd, i had no choice but to kill her azz with my choppa i had in the car. but you see the thing is i think im in love witth that ho now and i just killt her. im depressed that i killed tha love of my life. what shouldi do na, i need help please.

Friday, November 11, 2011

How can I beat Cynthia in pokemon platinum?

I think your team is fine but you should level them up more. Also teach one of you pokemon ice beam or blizzard because Cynthia's Garchomp is double weak to ice. Buying alot of hyper potions and revives will also help even thought it is a cowardly tactic lol.

Upbeat and catchy songs?

Songs by Taylor Swift. She repeats the chorus wich makes it really catchy. Like Love Story and Change. Or Our Song.

What does it mean to have your Sun, Venus, and Pluto all in the same sign?

I just looked at my full astrological chart for the first time. What does it mean to have a Sun, Venus, AND Pluto conjunction? Seems polarizing. I have all three in Libra, and I DO tend to find myself off-balance a lot of the time, but I can control it. (I'm also a Scorpio rising and Taurus moon). Curious...

Have u ever wanted something so bad?

that you would do anything for it? I am 24 year old mother to a almost 5 year old daughter, After i had her things went bad from my c-section and i didn't know what exactly was wrong till about 2 years ago i just wasn't getting pregnant. I finally got a dr to help me, turns out I got some pretty bad issues to where my dr says my only option is live in pain or do a hysterectomy. i am too young for that and i want more kids. my problem is my husband is COMPLETELY AGAINST having more. i don't know why he just is. my dr says there is a good chance i could get pg with meds but my husband won't agree. the pain is getting worse and more frequent and my dr don't know how much longer i may have before i have to have the surgery, i love being a mom and my daughter is the best but i have 2 friends, 1 just had a child and 1 is due any day and it really bothers my daughter, she constantly talks about having a baby sister or brother. what do i tell her? what do i do? im frustrated!! if you have had a similar situation please let me know what you did :) thanks in advance

Which girl sounds more attractive?

To be honest, I think that they both sound very hot! Personally, I am attracted to skinny girls, so you both get a good grade on that one. I normally like darker hair, but I prefer long hair, so that is a toss up. I really like small , but being that the first girl is only 15, I think that her small chest would make her appear younger ... It's very close, but I'd probably go with GIRL #2.

Stratocaster clone - ?????

Okay, been thinking about getting a strat clone and saw a Douglas with the HSS pups and was wondering how this would sound compared to the typical SSS arrangement? I want to start playing some old time surf music and stuff like "Ghost Riders in The Sky." Should I go with the SSS or HSS?

Club Pogo Guest P Giveaway?

hi all i know this is not a question but am trying to earn tokens on my pogo account and it says if i give out guest pes i get tokens so i was actually wondering if anyone would like a guest p??? it only works if you have never had a guest p on your account!

World War 2 Questions?

Why not google it? If you're online anyway, look it up...you are more likely to retain the info that way.

What is the explanation for this?

My 4 year old niece said this to my aunt, "Did I come from somewhere else to get to you, do we get reborn after we die into a new body?" My aunt is very strict about media and she doesn't know where she could have picked that up from. She also talks about "being other people" before she was in this life and "surviving in a compound where she was d" which she was taken to for "doing nothing." How can a four year old articulate something like that, I just don't understand?

Wedding away...home "reception" what is OK to do?

OK how do I say this nicely when you get married that is your wedding you don't get a reception a week or two later. Now you can have a party. but the party would be just some food and family and friends no first dance no dj no bouquet toss no grader toss and no white dress. do you understand what a wedding ireally is.

How to sound proof my room?

It will cost you a fortune to sound proof a room. You are much better off buying an iGTR to practice with in the house. a href="http://www.wavesgtr.com/html/product_igtr.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.wavesgtr.com/html/product_igt…/a - I use one and in some respects, it sounds better than my equipment. You will also find that if you have a multieffects pedal, you can just plug a good pair of studio quality headphones into that and you won't even need to fire up your amp. I live in an apartment. I have a home recording studio that is powered by a 500 watt stereo amplifier. I record and play back music all day long but, no one even knows I here. Almost everything I do is with headphones. When you have a really good comfortable pair of studio quality headphones, you can practice all day long and it sounds awesome and no one else even knows you exist.

Is it good to have a deep voice?

'Cause right now it doesn't seem that way. I am only 13, but I have the deepest voice in the school. All my friends make fun of me for it, and call me "Darth Vader" because it's as deep as James Earl Jones's. I hate it! I feel so awkward around others. And to be even more embarring, my voice is deeper then most of the teachers as well. What would you do?

Dear Senior Citizens what are your views on this ?

I think Politicians and bureaucrats and even the flag are target for those who are not happy with there lives and it is sad because most of the anger seems to be misdirected they made their lives what they are

Anyone got some fundraising ideas?

how about a yard pick up, or racking leaves for some people in your community for a lil cash...a bake sale maybe

What waas the name of the simpsons epsoide?

The name of the episode is "Days of Wine and D'oh'ses." It aired during season 11. It was the 18 episode of that season, the 244th overall.

How much money should I take on my trip to Italy?

I'm planning a trip to Florence Italy with my boyfriend. We plan to go to Rome also and maybe Sienna. How much money should we bring with us?

WHERE can an enviro-gal in Winnipeg, Cda find a stylie rain barrel?

Don't want to make one because I like the groovy spouts at the bottoms & tight-fitting screens on the top of the professionally made barrels. Don't want one that looks like it belongs in recycling. Any suggestions from the world out there?

Am I being selfish for wanting a 'real' wedding?

I think your feelings are valid because every woman wants to have a "real" wedding. What I would be concerning about is that he is not respecting you when he is out spending money, when he is supposed to be saving. I don't think that he really wants a wedding and you should stand your ground and tell him that this wedding is really important to you and he should be doing his best to help you plan it, even if he is in Iraq.

Where is the Name changer in the original Pokemon games?

I have a Hitmonchan that I named Apollo, after the guy from Rocky but now i want to name it Bruce Lee

Why are Americans so persistently ignorant of the fundamental things that affect them most?

No one has ever been bankrupted by a few egalitarian/ socialist measures within the domain of reasonable taxation. Why allow yourselves to be bankrupted by a fraudulent, formerly conservative government that did absolutely nothing for the middle cl, the vast majority of Americans? How can anyone let their mind go so far via the right wing, Rush inspired, media so as to forego all common sense? Tax breaks for the wealthy- those most able to afford pay as you go taxation- verses the agenda of destroying the middle cl, THAT'S YOU, SCHMUCK- and exporting if not destroying any decent wage, blue collar jobs? Why are the young so eager to join the military? Even at such a far below common wage? Because they have been left nothing else. Why doesn't the self destructive, right wing own up to this reality?

Why do people wear such ugly suede shoes?

I dunno I only like suade uggs shoes your like my bf he calls them uggly lol! I guess people have different taste of fashion :)

Im bored need bingo sites please x?

Im registered with the big ones and they are all connected to others to say im with them already I need one with free sign up bonus dont wanna pay with real money lol

What will happen now, if I don't get medical treatment?

Still here. Stil sore. It has been over 24 hours since I got bitten by that Red Back Spider. I'm still alive,still haven't seen a doctor, & not much has changed.. I can now see clearly (because of the swelling) there are 2 bites on my hand.) My hand is swollen & still in pain. Typing this hurts. My arm is in pain too, up to my elbow,& some twinges in the arm pit, But nowhere near as bad as last night! Though, the pain in the hand seems to be a bit worse.(probably through working around the house.)... So,, After all this time & I'm still here, if I don't get it seen to at all, Will the trouble just fix itself? OR Will the venom keep slowly circulating in my body, until ,, well, you know what I mean. ... AND Could it be, that because the Red Back was just a young one, could the venom be just as deadly in me, but is just taking longer than an Adult Red Back would take, to do me any harm?? ..... I don't want to run to the doctor now, if there is no longer a real 'need' to. But I still "need to know."

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Who here hates jeff hardy?

i hate him cuz hes just an overated boring... and sucky wrestler just like batista and cena... he doesnt even deserve to have a match with legends like HBK and undertaker. he ruined wrestling along with cena and batista. he doesnt even deserve to be in the hall of fame and winning the WWE championship because hes a drug addict and will probably be suspended TMW.. YES!!! hes like a jobber not a mid carder and should go for the womens championship... his house burned down was great news.

Girls Tips On Escaping Friend Zone?

umm get out of that relationship. she is using everyone of the guys that she talks to and nobody deserves to be used like that. tell her that you just want a friend relationship, that you can only txt for a little bit and you have to work on homework. dont try to make her jealous by hanging out with another girl all the time just try easliy distancing yourself from this relationship.

If my neighbor's dog crossed onto my property....?

and accidently got into some anti-freeze mistakenly left in an open container and died, could I be held liable?

22weeks with twins! Opinions needed on names!?

Hubbie and I having our firsts- a little boy and a girl. What do you think of the names Fox, Levi, Skye or Wyatt for a boy, and Lily, Lila, Evangeline, Gracie or Madeleine for a girl?

Why are there no more revolutionaries any more?

The 19th Century was so ballin', it would be awesome to sit in cafes and coffee-houses all day talking about how to overthrow the government.

What song by David Bowie did Kurt Cobain cover?

The song is apparently on an unplugged live album (recorded in New York) released after Cobain's death...

Will salvia be illegal in Texas?

idk, why smoke that crap? its not fun and is just wierd , i am honestly afraid of it, and i only had the 5x lol.... smoke some bud instead its cheaper and safer, and over all better

What's the difference between 2008 and 2007 scion Tc?

Well, I just bought my 2007 tC in March...have to say I absolutely love it. When I bought it I was directed to take long survey about my car. I'm uming that by the answers given they adjust the car every year to the target market's specifications of what they want and need.

What is the best way to convinse ur parents that ur going over a guys house that isnt bad WE ARE JUST FRIENDS!?

my parents wont let me over this guys house because they think he does drugs and is bad but he isnt! we are just friends who wanna hang out? how the hell can i convince them this? that we are just friends and he isnt bad and we arent gong to hook up or anything

Opportunity Cost Q: Maurice receives $100?

Opportunity Cost is what he misses out on by making his choice. The answer is (a). He could never have chosen them all, he never had enough money. Therefore he is limited to one choice, so the cost is the one he would have chosen if there were no 'B'.

How does the volume compare?

how does the volume compare between a triangular prism with side lengths "s" and a hexagonal prism with side lengths "s"?

My friends son got weird stomach, what is it???

my friends little boy is 7 and his digestive system is not right. He doesnt pooh properly so he on sachets of laxative, this doesnt seem to be working. His diet is rubbish, lots of junk food. Now all of a sudden he started bringing up acid/bile and is sometimes sick with bile. He looks unhealthy to me, his cheeks are like bloated, as though he beeen blown up!! Wot is this???

I met this guy, and now hes gonee. i miss him !! how do i get over him! ?

I think when you two meet up, you should tell you that you love him and if he really loves you, then he will return it, thats just what I would do....And why cant you ever be together?

(science project) why does water flames up when we boil batteries in?

My guess is that there was a small amount of HHO gas that was created durring electrolosis is what ignited. You should look up negativly charged water and its properties as well as Joe Cell.

Golf-Easiest/Easier part of the game?

you can get your answer with the experience guy who is playing golf from high school.if u r a average bogey golfer then practice of shots make u good player.

Whats wrong with 8th graders?

im hearing of 8th graders getting pregnant i dont know wats wrong wit em i know about hormons but u should be smart enough to not haves when u 13 years old

Whats the point of professional womens basketball?

Its not entertaining, they cant jump, who wants to watch butch women try and play a game anyway? Can u believe that we canceled arena football and we kept WNBA it makes no sense? who goes to those games?

If GLOBAL WARMING gets unabated, don't you think our earth's atmosphere won't explode and diffuse into space?

We do not know when and where is the breaking point of the capacity of our atmosphere to hold so much heat within. Scientists concentrates on the effects like melting of icebergs, climate change, etc. But then, no one has taken notice of the vulnerability of the atmosphere itself! Cosmic disturbance might even trigger the sudden bursting of our fragile atmosphere. Nations are fighting because some are selfish and grabbers. Others retaliates. No one thinks for the benefit of the whole humankind. Wow! What a bleak future ahead of us?! Is there still any hope? Doomsday clock has been moved closer to our destruction, our own self-inflicted demise in this universe.

I need my lawyer to perform but he is slack how can i boost his performance?

I know my court date but my lawyer is so slack that he is still waiting to tell me my court date. all he needs to do is call the courthouse like I did to find out, but acts like he's waiting on some letter from the court verifying court date. I dont know whats up but I am very pissed. he has been a great help in the past but its like he has run out of gas all of the sudden right in the middle of my case .what to do?

What Are The Best And Worst Airlines To Fly To El Salvador From LAX?

I live in Honduras and have made many flights to and from the US over the years, including San Salvador to LA and back. If you want guaranteed lost luggage and a general screwing over, jump on a TACA flight. Customer service is an absolute foreign concept to those people. Continental, Delta and United Airlines all fly into San Salvadore and I would take any one of them over TACA.

What is an urgent message?

It is a setting he can choose when sending you a message. If he want to get it to you NOW he chooses urgent, other wise the message may not get to you right away (it may take a few more min.s or hours)

What extras on my Honda Motorcycle?

Windshield, unless you like holding on for dear life with the wind pressing against your chest beating you to a pulp. Saddlebags for hauling sodas or other small things like cameras in. Windshield bag for items you want at your fingertips-cell phone, kickstand cookie, suntan lotion.

Italia needs a win. Donadoni says the team is finally ready. Will they beat Ukraine and Georgia?

If they don't win at least 1 of their next 2 games, Donadoni will probably be fired. If the World Champs don't qualify for Euro 2008, that will be humiliating. They missed Euro after they won their last cup in 82.

How do you get Endeavor on a level 1 Whimsicott?

You have to bread two Cottonee which both know Endeavor, and it should produce a level 1 Cottonee with Endeavor, which yiou need to evolve.

Who else thinks Vince owns TNA?

Its just weird that every wwe superstar that wwe doesnt know what to do with goes to TNA. Jeff Hardy was under contract with WWE that he couldnt wrestle with any other wrestling company when he left and now hes in TNA?? I mean Vince is like this he tried to creat war within his own company before. idk what to beleive. But its a thought.

What in the world is going on next door to me?

Several times a day, "vertically challenged" (formerly known as midgets) people come to my neighbor's house and pick stuff up. Regular height people NEVER go to my neighbor's, even though HE IS regular height??? What is this? Should I call the cops? I can only think it is like some weird internal midget drug ring or something?

Why is there no History Section on Yahoo Answers?

United States history is taught in our learning institutions. Although most of the textbooks are written and published in Texas, the distribution of these materials to our learning institutions are not what you'd think they'd be. Each schools administration has the right to select which texts and which authors are to be used in our schools. I don't have a problem with free choice. What I find odd is that the texts do not seem to be covering the basics as thoroughly as they should. For example, no one at Yahoo answers seems to care that history, as taught in our schools, is not up for discussion. The Founding Fathers are given almost beyond reproach status. Yet they believed in slavery as a god given right, that women didn't have a place in government decisions, and that the general populace wasn't as wise as they themselves were. After Lincoln emmanicipated the slaves it still took another 100 years before the Federal Government, through the Supreme Court to recognize them as equal citizens. A woman's right to vote in elections took over 100 years to be enacted into law. Our public education system is still "under construction" yet the ultra rich would send their children to Europe to be educated nice and properly with the latest information. So if anyone at Yahoo Answers cares about what is taught in our schools, why do our founding fathers have such great reputations when they have a background of believing in slavery, believing women didn't belong in government, and that education was only for the richest in society? Sure, America has made progress, but what or who keeps holding America's progress forward. If you believe that Republicans will eventually rename America to the United Republics of America and that each state will be renamed a republic, please do not give your usual banter when responding to these questions.

Help please, school on thursday. look fat & horrible ! ?

Take up boxing and lamp anyone who takes the piss, also don't think about how you look so much, I'm quite sure you look great as it is, personally i prefer people with a bit o' meat on em =D

Is this what Atheism reduce humans to? Animals?

Actually, Human, you have succeeded in making yourself look stupid with no help from atheism. This post is the evidence of that.

Nowadays what happens when youngsters back talk parents?in my day it could be an otk ,not so now eh?

if my kids do something that deserves it, i . i also sent my kids to a private school where the principle still ed!

Why are good men so hard to find?

I met this guy about 3 weeks ago and we hit it off fine. Now he's not as attentive as before and he hasn't call me in 2 days where as he used to call me 2 to 3 time every day. It's not because our relationship hasn't reach that level, mutual agreement. What could have made him change and I notice he's bought a webcam. Could it be that he's found a new interest?

Can we get a mortgage if my partner is in full time education at university?

I own my own home, and have a morgage which is still joint with my ex husband me and my fiancee want to tranfer the martgage and deeds into our names now but i work full time and he is full time student at university but does work contractual work in the holidays?? is this possible for us to get a mortgage jointly??

Why does every single trade I do in this league get vetoed?

Chances are everyone is going to continue vetoing trades bcuz when you join public leagues and they are giving the option to veto they don't want anyone to do trades for god knows why, it looked completely fair to me and it didn't look like either side was getting any superstars but it's just ignorant people playing the free leagues that makes them veto it.

Does tomorrow sound like a good beach day for Nantasket beach in Hull Ma?

I want to go to the beach and my T.v. is busted. Does anybody know if tomorrow will be a nice beach day in Hull, Machusetts?

In which contient is the largest expanse of desert biome found?

I agree with all the answers excep the first. Isn't the largest desert Antarctica? It doesn't rain there, and a desert is clified based on rain not location.

What is a dolphin acquisition?

i was checking on my credit card statement online and this was a new pending authorization,i canceled my card right away,and notified my bank about my credit card number being stolen,i was just wondering if anyone ever had this happen to them,and what is a dolphin acquisition

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What some good songs for sub-woofers?

Wait(The whisper song) by the Ying Yang Twins and Starstrukk by 3oh!3 are the two songs that popped in my head...great pounding b out of both of them!

Virtual Villagers - The lost children?

ive been playing a wile and im building tech points to get the 3rd farming thing but my crops are growing too slow help???

Why can't Hawaii play for national championship??

Why try to go undefeated if you will never have a chance to play for national championship? It would not be so hard to have a play-off system simply by using the winner of each of the 11 conferences which would only add 2 more games before the BCS game. Do they really need 45 days between the end of the season and the title game? Make winning your conference actually mean something! Make going undefeated actually mean something! We know the lower college divisions have playoffs and it sure seems to work for them! Division 1 football is the only college sport that doesn't have a playoff so basically if you aren't ranked high at the beginning of the season, you might as well not even play at all. Hawaii, Boise State and others have been screwed and it isn't fair to them or the sport and I don't like either team so Im not biased. It is sadly all about money and TV ratings. Even college basketball starts out with 64 teams and some no one has heard of but at least they had a chance

What is this " long lump" going down my lower abdomen?

seey your obgyn, whether you tell your mom or no. You cannot tell from pain how serious an internal issue is.

Right shirt, fashion?

Find a local dry-cleaning shop that advertises alterations and have them tapered to fit. Also....once they fit...the wrinkle problem should go away...unless your jacket is too small. The jackets can be enlarged by the same tailor that does the shirts. Good luck and Merry Christmas!

Now that treason has won the election, how should our friends view the USA? Our enemy's?

actually treason is outing CIA agents and trying to overthrow a black president you don't like...something republicans are guilty of!!!!!!

Has anyone ever heard of a connection between having shingles while pregnant & it causing autism in the baby?

I thought shingles was the adult verison of chicken pox? I know of a lady who did not get the chicken pox and got the shingles in adulthood!

Can I install the rear pinion yoke my self if not too hard?

I can do the u-joint but the yoke has a bolt broke off .just seems easier to change the yoke.Is it just remove not ,then yoke and crush sleeve and reinstall new crush sleeve and yoke?Just not sure how far or how much ft lbs to torque it Help.It is a 04 wrnagler with dana 44 I thimk rear end

If you are a female and only date other females and clify with being a ?

Why does there have to be a label placed on oneself, and why do most female/female relationship end up being a femine and more butch/manly looking type? If your a femine type of a gal, and your into a manly looking woman, why not be with a MAN, or better yet why couldn't you just be a female dating female.... where no one takes on a distinction?

Which guitar should i get?

i myself primarily play a Tele and really like the feel of Fender guitars. in my opinion its best to play both of them and find not only whats comfortable to play, but what gives you the tone you are looking for as well. and personally, if i am going to buy a les paul, its going to be a gibson. it may cost more, but its well worth saving up the money for it. but i know alot of people who play the epiphone and really like it. well, those are just some things to consider. hope this helps a little bit.

Should Hillary get the delegates from Michigan and Florida?

This has been asked a few times already, btw. I don't think they should allow the delegates in those races to count. It will just create more chaos.

What do you think of this song...?

I agree with you 100%!.. The singer of "One Republic" has a beautiful, and powerful voice. Not to mention he's gorgeous!...Very, very beautiful song....

Natasha should of won ANTM?

Girl I agree with you! Natasha had more of the look for a high fashion model,and she was the most improved as well.I think Natasha got robbed!

ESC light on Hyundai Sonata 2006?

I live in extremely snowy area. As soon as there is an inch of snow, I have troubles driving uphill and ESC light comes on. I am not talking only about seriously steep hills, it is enough that slope is very small. Is this normal?

Transmission problems in 2000 Ford Windstar?

2006 Ford Windstar transmission failed and was rebuilt. Now it doesn't stay in overdrive, but not when it is cold, only after it is warmed up. Shop replaced shift solenoids at my expense during warranty period but it did not help. What now?

Guitar tap?

i wanted to know how to tap. i have squier fender strat. im a beginner and i dont have the money to buy all the good things for a guitar. i just want to get the basic things. thanx in advance

How do you date with out being a smut?

I wanna start dating again, the people are so quick to bed down I do not want to but, I do not want to missout on a good guy because I wont put out? I think I already know the answer, just want the community to chime in. BTW I am over 35yrs old. I know is just that like playing baseball or tennis, the object of the game is to score. I just do not feel like playing games right now. Advise please...

What do you think about Criss Angel?

I think he is pretty amazing. I like the way he talks about his spiritual side and training himself to apply his mental faculties to get through things. I wish he wouldn't suspend himself from hooks like a living ham...but you know...when he isn't inflicting pain upon himself, his performances are very beautiful and graceful.

What are the moutain pes encountered driving from Georgia to California?

Our family is moving from Georgia to California by our car, and we wondering if there are any obstacles in term of terrain on the way.

Is there a better way to make money in forza 2 than to race?

Well i suck at raceing cuz i don;t have a good car and i need money to buy a better car. is there a nother way to make money in forza 2? P.S i have xbox live

Help with a mp3 player??

Help with a mp3 player.Can you put mp3's and wma's on it from LimeWire??? Pls help...PS help me and you get the 10:-)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Halifax or Montreal? Which is best for a weeks holiday?

Canada - I loved Ottawa for its relaxed chilled out feeling. Fancy Canada again this year but can only go Nov/Dec so out of Halifax and Montreal which is best for a weeks holiday if we base ourselves there but do not hire a car? Need enough to do for a week in terms of sightseeing and good transport to get out into countryside if we decide on it. Also, as we going in Nov what are the chances of snow? Had it in Sault St Marie in Oct last year but not much and wondering if this was a one off? I love the snow although not bothered about skiing etc.

Tattoo still looks dryish and its been a month?

ok so i got the word love on my wrist. i did what my artist said to do i used a&d ointment for the first week and then i used non scented lotion on it for the next.. but before the whole 2 weeks for the healing process was done i may have went in the pool for like an hour. i know your not supposed to but i took precautions. i used medical tape and plastic rap and i barely submerged it in water. and i wahsed it off with fresh water and put lotion on it as soon as i got out. but could that have been the cause of it still being dry? i still put lotion(the non scented bc i know scented can dry it out) on it everyday but its not getting any better. and if it is the cause is there anything i can do to fix it? thanks (:

What do you think of the name Bailey Morgan?

I'm 7 months pregnant and just really indecisive at the moment. I really like the name Bailey (Baylie, Baylee, Bailee, Bailie...etc.) So I am looking for ideas and even maybe some cute alternate spellings for either name. Be nice and I'm open to any suggestions.

Reverse racism. What should I do?

You really don't know anything for a fact.....you have suspicions - but no real facts. So - find a new job and be glad you are out of there.

Did Obama's speech last night convince you that his healthcare plan is the right one?

for America? Did he give any real specific details as to how it will be paid for either than what he has usually said? Did he talk of any details on rationing that's included within the bill?

Sahm trying to potty train my 2 yr old daughter?

I am a sahm and my 2 yr old daughter and I basically go nowhere lately. I don't drive and it's been horribly snowy and freezing. So, my daughter is almost 2 1/2 and I decided to strip her down and let her be naked so she can get the idea of using the potty. She has a little potty chair and I potty seat for the toilet with a stool. I put her little potty in front of the TV and I took off her clothes and told her if she has to poo or pee to sit on the potty. She is used to always being in a diaper, she's never pooed or peed on the potty yet, not once and at first she cried for her diaper but I told her no big girls don't need a diaper and to use the potty like a big girl. So she's been sitting on the couch and just playing and doing her normal thing. So, should I let her do everything naked? We are home alone, basically snowed in. Should I serve her food and do our normal activities while she is completely naked? I don't want to confuse her by putting her diaper back on. So far, she hasn't gone yet. This is day one, she is used to always wearing a diaper. What can I expect? A ton of accidents? When should she start "getting it?"

I have questions about the college admission process?

I am currently a Senior in high school and have a GPA of 3.7. My top choices for colleges are LSU, Texas Tech, Nebraska-Lincoln, and New Mexico.....any advice on getting in or the individual college programs would be greatly appreciated!

I’m interested in going back to church?

I haven’t been to church since I was in high school and I’m thinking about going back. Do I have to contact the church first? I’m 24 so do I have to join the adult congregation? There’s different versions of the Bible so which one is the one being used now? Also, if anybody can recommend an asian-american church with services in English (Los Angeles area code 323), I’d appreciate it. Thanks

Britney's Rosebud?

She is heading down, and I think it's sad that the same people that made her rich and famous are the same people that are going to put her in an early grave. I feel soo sorry for her children. It's really too bad that she doesn't have a good support system. I'm not a Britney Spears fan, but I know depression when I see it, and when depression hurts it hurts everyone.

One sided relationship. I am miserable. I need guidance please help me. Please....?

I am engaged, but my engagement is not what I thought it was going to be. I am constantly upset. My man doesn't satisfy me daily when it comes to being dependable. I am constantly lonely. I admit, I am an overly emotional person. I do take that into consideration because I know it is hard for many to handle. But the truth is that he is ok spending little time with me and talking to me hardly ever. I just caught him talking to his ex on his work phone, a phone that he doesn't even talk to me on. I guess she is pregnant and getting married.. but the fact that he put me second to her sickens me. I am lonely all day not talking to him and he is unable to give me a call? I live with him, and I have to stay here for awhile because I have given him so much money and I am now broke. I am depressed and I cry almost every moment of the day. I just broke up with him because I constantly find info out that he doesn't feel like he needs to tell me. I find it thro snooping. I don't want to snoop. But I know in my head there is probably something there so I do. I have no idea how to get over all this. I threw out everything sweet he ever gave me, I blocked all his family on FB and I am trying to think positive. I also took my ring off. He says that he loves me ad that if I leave him it is all my fault. He loves me great some days and then crappy the next. How on earth am I going to survive this? I will probably be stuck here for another month! I don't have any family and my friends are not in the position to take me and my puppy. I am a mess. :(

I have had the IUD for 3yrs I love it I haven't had a period in 3 yrs life has been great!!!?

I am 35 begging my husband to get a Vasectomy he is hell bent againt it. The last 2 months I have gained weight, but not on the scale my tummy is bigger none of my clothes fit me. I am so tierd. I have even felt sick at my stomach. A couple weeks ago my were tender. The hate the fact of having another baby I know that sounds mean, but I love my family the way it is. I have a 6 yr old son, and 3 yr old daughter the American Dream if you ask me. I refuse to take a test because I'm too scared to find out I want it to go away. I have arthritis and a bad back. I do daycare I have a 4 month old and next month will have a new born I love taking care of them I just don't won't 1 of my own. I am so against abortion, I would never put a child up for adoption. If I am pregnant I am kinda hoping for a miscarriage I feel so bad, and shelfish for saying that It breaks my heart that I say that. I feel like God will punish me for feeling this way or hurt my children because im being selfish.

That parliametary seat of David Davies! Why not chuck in a few quid each and put up our own Yahoo Candidate?

Hell if we had a Yahoo MP half the population would be in jail.As for the poor McCanns they would be shot at dawn. No thanks Just out of interest who out of this motley bunch would you pick ?

If money was accidentally put into your account. Would you inform your bank for the mistake?

I had this once happen to me. It was money from a company that got on my nerves. I went to this site and ordered two different coffees. The company said it was free and I had to pay $3 just for S&H. Nothing on the site including terms mentioned anything about being sent 6 boxes of coffee two weeks later that will be charged into my account. So two weeks later I randomly get a huge box with 6 coffees inside. Inside the box a statement that my account has been charged $40+. I called the company and told them I didn't order any box and I'll return it to them in exchange for refund. They told me I could keep it and they won't give me a full refund. It turns out they never charged me the money in the first place...but they still refunded me for money that wasn't charged. I didn't bother calling them they mistakenly refunded me cause they already got on my nerves before. That's all. The company is Gevalia and there's so many complaints from people just like me online.

Question about my VIDEO GAME IDEA.?

You know, that would sound like a good action game, but I think the topic is a very sensitive one. Something like the holocaust shouldn't be brought into the video game industry. People need to take it seriously, not just as an opportunity to promote killing, which is what that would do. Young children play shooting games. It wouldn't be good if they were exposed to the holocaust at such a young age, let alone be tricked into thinking the whole thing was just a game to see who got the most kills. The prisoners didn't have guns, they didn't kill the Nazis. I'm sorry, but I don't think that's a very good idea at all.

Reading Speed Improvement Software?

I used a software called "EYE Q" and found it to be remotely useful. I think that the thing with speed reading is that you will lose your ability to concentrate on important material, which I think is a detriment to long time learning, Good Luck.

Why does my asthma get worse when I have cold?

because the mucus from when you have a cold blocks your throat. and having asthma means that your throat is already quite tight. i used to have asthma but every time i get a cold it comes back.

I think im just SCREWED!?

I am having a hard time these days i have weird symptoms that no doctor can reveal an answer to i feel like im going to die my body wants to quit working ! first. when i wake up my feet are numb can't walk have to put pressure on them it hurts alot! then. i am sick all the time to the stomach no puking or anything just sick, my head hurts, my eyes hurt, recently (yesterday) my hands started going numb and tingling painfully like defrosting from being out in the cold to long. my period is almost constant everymonth. at night time i feel okay enough to clean house ect. during the day i just want to lay down and die. i have to drink like 8 cups of coffee just to get a big enough buzz to get up during the day.i have alot of constant sharp pains on the left side of my abdoman. i am not depressed. i'm 24 5'7' 111 pounds have one kid hes 2 . i have an iud. which is my opinion the culprit. i had a epidural when i was in labor i dont think anything was wrong with that. i lost alot of blood from labor because of the rip size. but that was 2 years ago. doctors are just like........idk...and its making me mad! my gyno says NO NOT IUD. i wanna hit him i think. someone help me i've been tested for everything a no results .

Validity of legal heir certificate issued by the mandal revenue officer.?

My father ped away all of a sudden leaving behind my mother, two married sisters and me(only son).All our property is earned by my father.Part of it has been registered in my sisters names.The rest of the property has been registered individually in my father's,mother's and my name.His intention was that after my father,i should be the sole heir to his share.Knowing his intentions, my sisters and my mother have given their written consent to the local MRO(mandal revenue officer) for my being the legal heir to my father's share.The MRO has issued a LEGAL HEIR CERTIFICATE in my name, for my father's share.How far is this CERTIFICATE valid ???

If I'm late a week on sending my tax return am I penalized by the IRS?

You will get a penalty for one month's delinquency. If you don't have the money, send the return without payment then send the money a week later.

Do Americans actually think Australians speak like they do on that Simpsons episode?

You know that episode when Bart prank called the kid from Australia. Then they had to fly there and there was a toilet that went the American way lol. Well we don't talk like that, do you think we do?

What does this mean? I'm confused by what this says even after reading it for a few minutes.?

As the Earth wobbles, the location in its orbit at which spring begins (the vernal equinox) slides around the orbit.

Mt right eye has weird stuff in it!!!?

Ok ok so when i blink my eye several times all of a sudden a weird white, slimy "booger" appers in my eye like on top of my eye. If I dont blink I can get a Qtip and gently poke the "booger" abd get it out. then when I look at it... it rele looks like one of those boogies from your nose. HELP? I need it to stop. its annoying. AND another thing too... When ever im putting on eyeliner my eye get sooo red.. any help on tht to?

If Jesus said to turn the other cheek, why did he also tell people to buy swords?

"He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one." (Luke 22:36)


I've been with my bf for 2 months(im 21,hes24)I am his first gf in 2 yrs(his ex cheated on him & was badly hurt this)At first he was always wanting to see me,we live 30 min away and only i have a car.In the first couple weeks he took me to meet his parents and his friends and i was very happy with this new relationship.Lately hes been acting distant.Now we barely see each other and when we do,we are either at his parents house or out with his friends.I feel neglected & like he doesnt care about me i've brought his up with him b4 and he just tells me i shouldnt feel like that and to just "chill" and that hes not going anywhere.When we are together he is very attentive and tells me how much he enjoys hanging out with me,but then I dont see him for 4 or 5 days.i've noticed he drinks alot.I want to bring this up again b/c it's REALLY bothering me.I dont want to break up and I dont want to play gamesWhy do u think hes acting like this?how should i handle this?he wants to know wats wrong!!

Are you qualified to be a professional......?

Yea, but you didn't hear the report? it says "one of the crocodile is absent, 'over slept'" at the end of the river bank." Maybe it's waiting for you when you get there?????? he he he.....

Need help with a name of a book?

theres this book about a girl who lives in NYC, and she meets a boy my mistake who lives underground in the old subway stations, wheres there a whole nother world under the city. I knw the book is called something cl the Upsiders, or the Down siders. I really dont know, but I just need the Off. Name of the book and Author. P.S. this is not for school. :)

I have to relocate for 4 months for my job, and me and my ex share joint physical/legal custody. She is?

refusing to allow my daughter to come see me on 3 week on 3 week off basis. Currently we exchange every week. I have asked her to modify to every 3 weeks because of airfare costs and she won't budge, no compromise. I told her I would pay all travel costs and I have been 100% faithful with my child support payments. Her basis is that it is "unhealthy emotionally" for a 3 year old to not see her mom for 3 weeks completely ignoring the fact that she won't see her dad for 3 weeks at a time either. I've tried so hard to work with her but she refuses to talk in person and when we do talk on the phone it results in her hanging up because she can't confront "tough" issues and talk them out. What do I do? Can she refuse that when it's because of my job I'm relocating and that it's a temporary move and I'm willing to pay for all transportation costs?

Do you think Che provided a change or demise for Cuba?

Che was sent to Bolivia. He was an idealist men, he went to Bolivia knowing his future. As an idealist men, his ideas were not practical when he was in charge of the Economic Ministry after the revolution. He believed that Latino America upper and controlling cl only through a revolution could be displaced. He helped Castro to win the revolution. His was socialist as his mother and both belonged to the upper Argentinean cl with aristocratic last names, but without money. You can know about his life watching a video that you can find in the Foreign Movies section.

Why is my doctor hounding me?

"Attend his surgery????" I am confused. Do you mean an office visit?? If that is what you mean --- maybe he is trying to address the problem you initially saw him for. If you saw him for sleeping problems and feel the problem is actually not a problem but a result of your lifestyle cancel your appointment. You don't have to do anything you don"t want to. If uncomfortable with the doctor -- there are others. As for the "excruciating pain" -- that sounds to me like an issue thar needs medically addressed. Again see a doctor your comfortable with.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Poll: Smiling during a show? Do you smile?

I have a small smile on my face when in the ring because to the judge it looks like you're having fun and that your horses is the best/easiest horse to ride in the ring (we're taught to smile even if really you're arguing with the horse and you're going 'you stupid ***** of a horse gah!' on the inside cause the judge doesn't want to know that, doesn't want to see that lol, it doesn't look nice). I smile and I'm very polite and happy around the judge and to other riders in my cl, if the judge gets 'unhappy' or 'sour, surly faced, *****' vibes from you then you get placed at the end lol. In saying that I am just naturally happy and have fun at horse shows so it's not hard lol.

Do you think I'm weird?

Lol all my friends say I'm weird because I'm soooo country. And when i say country i mean straight up country. I ride horses and help my paw plow the fields and i go apple picking and i'm seventeen and still wear my hair in two long braids ribbons and all BUT I love hip hop dancing!!!! and i love hip-hop music! All my friends say im weird but im just being me. So do think it's weird for a texan girl like me to also love to shake her stuff?? Lol!

I can't pay my bills and just got cut off from my unemployment benifits, where do I go from here?

This is when resourcefulness is a necessity. Your family, your friends, your neighbors, your church should be able to help you out.

How handicapped accessible are rooms & cabins at Brown County State Park in Indiana?

My sister has MS and has recently been approved for a motorized wheelchair, but doesn't have it yet. She can't walk very far, so even a ramp is a problem if it's longer than a few yards. She would need fully accessible facilities for the bathroom and shower. Would she be able to come into the Aquatic Center?

How do I file my taxes (read all)?

I have never filed taxes before and last year I started writing for a website called Demand Studios. I made about $960 for the 2008 calendar year and they sent me a 1099 form stating my non-employee compensation. They sent one for me to give to the IRS and the other for my records. I am so confused on what I am supposed to do with this. Could someone please help walk me through the process I am going to have to go through to file? I have no other income besides child support. Isn't child support non-taxable? Does that mean I do not have to claim my child support?

What should I do about my noisy neighbors who may be smuggling in illegal immigrants?

I know, this sounds a bit ridiculous, but it's really very serious. They have different families in and out of their apartment every week or so, some stay for a day, some longer. They have at least 8-10 people living in their 2 bedroom apartment at all times. They dump trash all over my porch every single day, front and back. They wake my 2 year old up at least once a night if not more. It's just constant noise, and I don't care normally, I've had really loud neighbors before and never had a problem. This is just too much, constant stomping around, yelling vacuuming in the middle of the night, running up and down the stairs(the 5 or 6 kids that always live there do this every single night from around 8-1AM or later) , there's a baby who will scream for hours(like 3-5 hours at a time) some nights, they play loud music with all of their windows open, or just out on their porch. None of our other neighbors care, they are pretty bad about their noise too, the management won't do anything, I've even asked to move to a different apartment, but they won't let us. I am at a loss here, I don't want to call the police because there are some unsavory types going in and out of there, and honestly I'm scared to death they would retaliate if I do. I can't afford to move either. I am just trying to find anything else I could possibly do that they wouldn't know It was me to stop the noise.

An opinion on nowadays rappers. Who's with me?

NOWADAYS RAP (Eminem, Lil Wayne, 50 cent and artists of this type) seem easy to relate to. They are disturbing, destructive and immoral in their lyrics and behavior. The singers demonstrate ridiculous degree of confidence, providing even more ridiculous ways of coping with problematic people ("just kill 'em, beat 'em up or 'em") or situations ('f.ck all that $hit man...'). The tone of voice(always confident), the body language demonstrated, etc leave no doubt in the minds of people that that's just how things should be. Not able to reason, people tend to follow the ways of such people, turning them in role models. They begin not giving a *****. OK... however, I do hope that many people realize that RAP ARTISTS ARE PEOPLE WITH A RICH IMAGINATION. If not them, they're producers, ghost writers or some1 else. No, I do not think they smoke a lot of weed, drink, have a lot of , use guns or misbehave for real. These are careful, deliberately emitted mesaages in their songs that only aim at mythologizing rappers. It's also a clever way of making a strong impression: "Hey, look at me, I can do whatever I want and get whaever I want at the same time!" Nope! Artists are workaholics, they have to be! Do you think that all these albums, videos, interviews, movies, brand starts, etc. materialize out of thin air? Being able to cope with so much stres and work requires you to alwyas try being at your maximum. A healthy body and mind. The rest is to put dust in the eyes of the average person. Also, most of these people are just businessmen rather than artists. They know how to make money by taking advantage of the crowd's mood and preferences. That's all they have to do to be popular and successful. All the cribs, bloods business?!?!? Who needs that?!?!?

Has the Man City Rumour mill gone crazy! Terry, Klinsman, Robinho what next!?

That's how they (newspapers companies / media) get their money... making stupid rumors just to get attention...

Mormons, is all of this true?

Wow ! Good job. Don't forget Mormans are generally family orients and nice kind people. But if you do not want to get excommunicated from the church---do not research the beginning of the church or Joseph Smith. Also the American Indians are not jews. It can be proven by a simple DNA test.

What is the normal life expectancy with liver cancer?

The life expectancy of someone diagnosed with liver cancer would depend on the stage of the cancer. It would also depend on their mental status as well as their overall physical well being. No one can determine just how long someone will survive with such a disease. It could be weeks, months or even years. Just hope the person makes the best use of any time they have and that they surround themselves with a good support network and lots of love.

Apps missing in my iPod?

What you can do is connect to your computer and transfer your purchases and see if they pop up in iTunes and if the do rearrange you app using iTunes under the applications tab instead of doing it on your iPod

How do i tune my guitar to 1/2 step down?

Tune your E string to an Eb (flat) on the piano and then tune your guitar as you would normally tune. You're just moving down a 1/2 step from A440 standard tuning.

Medical cover for events?

Why oh Why do people who organise events never check the qualifications of ppl who do the medics,even now im retired as a medic when I go to these events and ask to see thier certificates a lot say on the bottom its a certificate that they completed the course not a certificate of competence,one I found was carrying a Cardiac Defibrilator and didnt have a clue how to turn it on he was also carrying cannulas & drip sets,His excuse was he had them in case a Dr was present,It infuriates me these ppl are cowboys playing with ppls lives.An no one seems bothered till the S**t hits the fan.

Any Geniuses Out There?

i dont beleive that you tried on this lol im 17 i know exactly how this works. for example the answer to number 4 is in the question number ten...

Is the 'sense of entitlement' in the USA brought about by the stark gap between haves and have-nots?

is it because people see their parents working for 30+ years with nothing to show for it, while their 'social betters' live lives of luxury (from the labor their parents got nothing back from). could it be maybe, just maybe, that the people are sick of being corporate SLAVES and its easier to soak up welfare than to waste a lifetime working for someone else only to be fire 6 months out from retirement because your job was outsourced?

I get wet in public by accident? Help me?

When I take a train or a bus and I see a good looking guy and the train is bumpy I can't help getting very . If I wear sweatpants you can see a spot. Why do I get so wet? Is there any way I can control it? It is embaring! :(

What was the position of Jews under the Ottoman Empire?

Anti-Jewish violence in the Middle East became a crucial issue after the WWI fall of the Ottoman Empire. Was it better under Ottoman rule?

How to get rid of a sore throat?isit uncommon to catch one in summer?

Make sure you are getting plenty of rest. There are cold seasons but that doesn't mean you cannot get a cold in summer. Eat some warm soup and gargle salt water (this will help) and if necessary take cold medicine or cough drops. If you feel really bad talk to your doctor. Don't eat food with lots of sugar and Get extra rest. Hope this helps you get well. :)

Are Mitsubishi Endeavor's good suvs?

you should buy it, it is a great car. forget about those rumors. everyone says that they are bad but that is not true.

Would you allow a repeat child molester to have a child?

she has served four years in prison and has not even been out on parole one year she lives with the same guy she lived with before she went to prison and she moved another guy in with them and had a child by him and she molested the boyfriends' two younger brothers.ages11@12 that is why she went to prison. oh! and her first victim is her boyfriends' cousin

Differential equation problem...?

this is a " change is salt {S} = incoming salt - outgoing salt" problem ...incoming is [0.1][2] and outgoing is [S/1000][2]...thus dS/dt = 0.2 - S /500 or [D+ 1/500] S = 0.2...S_h = e^(-t / 500), and S_p = 100....S_g = c1 e^(- t / 500) + 100...initial conditions yield c1 = - 50....note the long term solution has S = 100, ie. brine of 0.1 kg/L

Hypothetical question: Your 21 year old son lives at home with you and your husband?

You are a Christian and you are very devout. Your husband is not and your son is rebellious in his faith. He starts bringing home his girlfriends and having with them in his bedroom. You know this because their noises are disgusting and you can hear them from other rooms. You tell him he must not do this. You say he may bring his girlfriends home and sit in the living room and watch t.v. or visit or something but this type of behaviour is not o.k. in your house and if he insists he must go somewhere else. He says too bad I am doing it anyway. Your husband supports your son. What would you do?

Why does my tattoo sometimes feel 'raised' and bumpy?

it becomes very bumpy because it is like a scar on your skin. i had one on my back a few months ago and when i got it re coloured, it went all bumpy. i dont think you can do anything to reduce the bumpiness but you could try and see if vaseline will slowly moisturise the skin so it fades a little because the tattoo is bumpy more on dead skin.

A relative that is leaving the kids alone at night ?

Dealing with DCF is VERY DIFFICULT! I recommend that you PLEASE go to and read the link below and share the info that you glean from it with the parents. If they are a little "slow", they will most likely need your help when reviewing & trying to understand the info. Please be forewarned that the children can be gotten back, but it will NOT be easy & will take tremendous hard work, effort and support from as many as you can get it from; above all, you need God there with you & on your side when you battle DCF & these so called "guardians" you're dealing with; so, start asking Him for help NOW! ~~God bless you, the parents, all others involved who are good, and especially the children!~~ Again, I cannot stress how important it is for you to go to the site below and read it thoroughly!

I feel like crap!pregnant?

I doubt this is due to pregnancy, it's way way early to be feeling any of this honestly.I didn't feel cravings or extra hunger until i was about 10 weeks..though i had trouble eating for some reason. Not that i had morning sickness it was just hard to want to eat anything. I would want something then the next minute it sounded gross. I bet this is totally either something else, or just you stressing thinking that you're pregnant.

What about if we found out that we were all descended from slime?

Yes athiests did, but Christians have a Supernatural Spirit Being who created us. We were trying to keep it a secret so you wouldn't "feel" so inferior but actually the way it goes is you slithered out of a Baboons slithered under a pile of dino dung then after you incubated for a few hundred of years you sprouted eyes, hands, and feet as well as a tail. Then you slithered into the pond and the slime adopted you because it knew something so hideous couldn't possibly survive on it's own. So you were step-brothers and step-sisters of the slime and it fed you until you lost your tail and grew arms and legs. Then you looked even more hideous and the slime couldn't stand to look at you anymore and chased you onto dry land. Well after having with Christians that accidentally drank to much communion wine and ped out, you started to evolve more into a better looking being. The really only difference now is that your species still excretes a hideous stench similar to that of your real creators the hog-snout Baboon. Okay there it is out in the open! Do you feel excited now?

U2-3D movie?

has anyone seen this trailer yet? I'm going to see Meet The Robinsons either tonight or tomorrow just to see the preview (yeah i see movies for free so it's no big deal). I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to see this because I feel that if it seems like Bono is singing in front of me I may go into cardiac arrest.

What would you do?

I was at a casino and was cashing in my chips. 2 x $25 chips & 16 x $5 chips. Should have received $130 back. The cashier gave me my cash - I put it in my pocket and walked off. Little bit later I pulled the cash out to play slot machine and noticed the cashier gave me $280. She mistakenly gave me $100 per $25 chip. Do you take the cash back to the casher or keep it?

Ideas for buffet menus?

I've already done burrito & taco bars, nacho bars, baked potato bars, sushi, chinese hot pot, northern italian, and just recently hawaiian food. I'm having a afternoon family get together and also the next week an evening party for drinkin friends. I'm kinda stumped on theme ideas - some ethnicity or inspiration. Help me! thanks!

How could I have contracted an E-Coli infection? Im taking Bactrim?

It could be not wiping properly, it could be that someone ELSE is not wiping properly and then not washing hands & spreading it that way, it could be in the dirt from livestock and then if hands aren't washed, etc. Basically it's everywhere, but washing hands regularly usually keeps it from spreading around - there's more than one strain of it, just like a lot of other bacterias. It's when you ingest it via uncooked/undercooked foods that it causes problems. Bactrim is pretty heavy-duty - may get diahrea or stomach upsets from it.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Moon seasons?

Is anybody able to explain why the height and distance the arc of the moon's travel across the sky is the opposite of the sun's throughout the seasons? i.e low to the ground and in the summer months and high in the sky during winter nights. If the moon's orbit is parallel to our equator shouldn't it be at equal height every season?

Georgia Crazy Laws - Did I tell you these yet?

"Oh, Boy" This is heavy-Though it is illegal to spit from a car or bus, citizens may spit from a truck.

Hypocrisy in the name of trying to understand our point of view?

Don't you find it ironical when some members of the society deem it their prerogative to cloak their obvious misunderstanding of alternate uality under the pretext of sane reasoning, and then play the 'being sensitive' and 'it works both ways/mutual respect' card when confronted with logic that defies their beliefs?

Illegal music?

Is downloading music illegal? Who cares? I mean if CDs didn't cost more than $15 dollars than i wouldn't have to download it illegally. But the cost and the damn censorship restrictions they put on most CDs is just annoying and a waste of time. They never have the CDs i want, and if they do, they cost like $25 dollars. I'm a big music fan so im not gonna be wasting money when i can easily use limewire. I have a 2855 song library, all courtesy of limewire and other illegal sources. Any CDs i had before i only use in my car or sell them away. I also make my own ringtones, copys of CD-ROM PC games, DVD movies, and other stuff like that, which i think is obviously illegal. But i don't have patience to go out and waste my money on stores ripping me off and giving me stuff with *BLEEP* in them. I don't even buy music that is even in stores anymore and if it was i would have to look forever for it. So why should i care that artists aren't getting my $15.99 for all the tracks in my library?

County funded post doc positions in clinical psychology?

First check the main state website, try to find any phone number connected with the program. Or, check county by country, with maybe Orange county being most accessible. Definitely, ask at the uiniversity at where you are completing our doctoral degree, like your advisors. Surely, by now, you have developed the moxie to ask or plead to get your practi experience. So, this should be child's play. As I am no longer in CA, and my only contact is not connected to UCLA any longer, but a private psychologist, I can't provide a name. Do your networking, check the internet, call the universities, call the county offices, and you will find some contact. All you need is one to crack the code.

Are there building codes for insulation when gutting a house and putting up new drywall etc?

I'm doing this to several rooms that have no insulation on the outside wall-other than comfort MUST I add insulation?

Proffesions where you save lifes?

can someone name a few jobs where you save other peoples lifes, and where it is a big risk that you loose your own?

What is it that is going on with this?

I went to the doctor about 8 days ago with a very tickle cough, she listen to my chest and all was clear, and i also told her i had ringing in my ear and she said that was clear and there was no build up and it would p,so i was told i had a viral infection that's why i was coughing and it would clear in a few days, but she subscribed me with anti-biotics to take if it didn't, and it did not clear so i took them. I have now completed the course of antibiotics and i am still coughing but bringing up phlegm which i was not before. I do have very slight asthma but it never bothers me from day to day. She told me to take inhaler which i been doing but nothing seems to be working. The cough has calmed down but when i cough now it comes from my chest where as before it was very tickle and dry. My ear also this morning feels blocked (when i talk it feels like little bubbles in it, this is NOT the ear with the ringing in)... i just want to know what it is, I'm sick of paying money for the doctors i paid 80 euro within two days from going to the doc, and i want a second opinionn so please mail me if you have any idea's of what it might be as i will just let it clear on its own if that's what it will do and not waist more money. thanks

Recovering from a cold but wheezing and some pain in right lung?

I recently caught a cold that has been going along NY for a while and I was very congested with a bad sore throat . I didn't get a high fever but sometimes when I woke up I would cough up yellowish phlegm and some when I blew my nose. Now the runny nose and sore throat is gone and there is no fever but I am left with wheezing and some pain in my right back. I am 17

Is it ok for your fiance to sleep over at his ex wifes house?

2 weeks ago i found out my fiance took his ex wife and step child to a wrestling match 2 hrs away.he actually called me that night and acted like he was at his home getting ready to go to bed.what makes it worse is he slept over at her house! he said he got back at 2 am and didnt want to drive back home which is an hr away.well i live in the same town and am 10 min. away from her house he could of stayed at my house.he is saying they are just FRIENDS and not together. she even said i am acting like a 12yr old.by the way the only reason i found any of this out is because a friend of mine saw him at her house and i confronted him.we are still together after many apologies on his part but im refusing to wear my engagement ring and really reconsidering the whole relationship.they both say nothing happened and that i am being unreasonable and childish. am i?